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    17 Important Conspiracy Theories We Need To Be Paying Attention To

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    1. The mysterious resemblence between Anne Burrell and Guy Fieri.

    2. This Star Wars sheet music.

    3. This dog.

    4. The real root of the rainbow flag.

    5. The conception of evil.

    6. The Breaking Bad conspiracy.

    7. Spongebob's ties to 9/11:

    8. "J"ared Leto and "J"esus Christ. Coincidence? I think not.

    9. Studying.

    Stu(dying) Stu(died) Coincidence? I think not.

    10. Your mom.

    If you diall "mom" in your phone the numbers are 666 Coincidence? I think not.

    11. DiCaprio's calculated movie roles.


    13. Undercover real life X-Men — EXPOSED.

    14. A stack of pancakes is hidden in the $5 bill.

    15. Slot machines.

    16. A "SPECIAL" recipe?

    Trotsky was exiled from the USSR in 1929. The first KFC opened in 1930. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

    17. This woman's chance encounter with a bat...

    ...OR NOT.

    Just coincidence?