24 Reasons Why Ross Geller Is The Best


    There are some who think Ross is the worst ...

    But he is obviously the best!

    1. No seriously. He's fine.

    2. Because he has unagi:

    3. Because he refused to pay shipping for his new couch:

    4. Because he over did it with his spray tan ...

    ... because he wouldn't count to five Mississippilessly

    5. Because he over-whitened his teeth:

    6. And wore tight leather pants as a New Year's resolution to try new things - which got stuck on him while he was on a date:

    7. In fact, he's always trying new things. Like the time he wore a ladies shirt:

    8. And is always "working on his sound"

    9. And always getting divorced:

    10. Because he had to go on a sabbatical after freaking out because someone ate his sandwich:

    11. He is amazing at "The Routine":

    12. And the best dad to his son Ben:

    13. Because his BFF was a monkey named Marcel:

    14. And took bro naps with Joey:

    15. Because he loves dinosaurs:

    16. And his on-again and off-again relationship with Rachel is the best thing to ever happen:

    17. And even though he slept with the hot copy-girl, they were clearly on a break:

    18. Either way it doesn't matter, because they are each others' lobster.

    19. And is he the sweetest for what he did for Rachel when her date Chip didn't show up for prom:

    20. Because he said Rachel's name at the altar when he was marrying Emily:

    21. Because he reacted like this when she told him she was pregnant:

    22. And said this when she was giving birth to their daughter Emma:

    23. He's more than fine. He's the best!

    24. And if you don't like him, then...