This Is Why Mainland Europe Is Better At Christmas Than Everyone Else

    TL;DR: They open their presents on Christmas Eve.

    1. OK, first things first: Most Europeans open their presents one. entire. day. earlier than everyone else.

    2. And they open them after sunset, which is far more civilised than doing it first thing in the morning.

    3. So everyone gets a lie-in on Christmas Day.

    4. Let's move on to a very important part of Christmas: dinner. This is a picture of a typical British Christmas dinner:

    In Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine, everyone eats a 12-dish dinner. A 12-dish dinner!

    And in Poland, people eat pierogies:

    But best of all: In Sweden people get meatballs!

    5. Most Europeans don't decorate their tree until Christmas Eve, which means they have less time to get sick of it.

    6. While we're on the topic of trees, let's address the fact that, on the whole, Europeans have somehow managed to avoid tacky decorations. Look at this very tasteful Finnish tree:

    And look at these stylish wooden decorations on a Swedish tree:

    7. But let's go back to food. In the UK we eat a pudding made from dried fruits held together by egg and raw beef fat. Raw beef fat.

    We could be eating delicious stollen like everyone in Germany.

    We could be eating honey ginger cookies like everyone in Poland.

    Or we could be eating delicious plum pastries like everyone in Finland.

    But no: We opt for this:

    8. Also, just think about it. Celebrating a day early means you get two fancy Christmas meals: dinner on Christmas Eve, and lunch on Christmas Day.

    9. And getting started a day early means lots of people are allowed to take 23 December off work.

    10. So by the time Boxing Day comes around, you've already spent two days with your family so you can go hang out with your friends.

    11. But the best thing of all is that, if you live in most parts of Europe, Santa bothers to visit your house in person. He doesn't sneak down the chimney in the middle of the night. He comes round and hangs out for a bit.

    This is ~quite~ a nice Christmas image.

    But this is much nicer.

    It's pretty obvious really. Everyone else has got a lot to learn from Europe.