47 Things You're Still Kind Of Mad Your Parents Wouldn't Buy You

    But muuuum, everyone has light up trainers.

    1. A Slip 'N Slide.

    2. A Mr Frosty ice crunchie maker.

    3. Dream Phone.

    4. A fireman's pole.

    5. A worm farm.

    6. A go kart.

    7. Fizzy drinks.

    8. A Sodastream.

    9. Flashing trainers.

    10. A Tamagotchi.

    11. A Dear Diary.

    12. A BB gun.

    13. A Wendy house.

    14. A belly button ring.

    15. A bow and arrow.

    16. Chunky school shoes.

    17. A pet monkey.

    18. Coco Pops.

    19. Inflatable furniture.

    20. A trip to Disney Land.

    21. A mobile phone.

    22. A Nintendo 64.

    23. Trainers that turned into roller blades.

    24. A pin impression.

    25. A Sindy house.

    26. A TV in your bedroom.

    27. Sky Sports.

    28. A puppy.

    29. A Furby.

    30. £1 eye shadow from your local newsagents.

    31. A robotic dog.

    32. Gooey aliens.

    33. A scooter.

    34. The "Hot Date" expansion pack for The Sims.

    35. Karate lessons.

    36. A horse.

    37. A Thundercat weapon.

    38. Coloured highlights.

    39. A pop out pencil case.

    40. A climbing frame.

    41. Ballet lessons.

    42. A treehouse.

    43. Hubba Bubba.

    44. A skateboard.

    45. A bubble gum machine. And a candy floss machine.

    46. A popcorn machine.

    47. But most importantly, a trampoline that went into the ground.