22 Classic Kumon Problems


    1. When your workbook's too damn easy.

    2. When it's Christmas Day and your parents still make you work.

    3. When you're trying to work in the centre, but the other kids around you are distracting.

    some girl stuck her pencil in her ear and the lead snapped inside #kumonproblems

    4. When you're old enough to mark your own work, so you obviously never cheat. JK, you always cheat.

    5. Which means that finishing a booklet without the answers is a huge achievement.

    6. When you're meant to be working but you're just not in the mood.

    7. When you're bored of writing numbers so you start drawing snowmen instead.

    8. When you've already been to piano and tennis but you still have Kumon to finish.

    9. When you forget to start your stopwatch so you've no idea how long you took.

    10. When you've achieved something great, but your centre has run out of certificates.

    #kumonproblems 😂😂😂😂

    11. When you're three years beyond school level and your non-Kumon friends don't appreciate how cool that is.

    12. When there is literally no point in them giving you an example because it doesn't remotely resemble the question.

    13. When you accidentally pick up your little sister's Kumon folder instead of your own.

    14. When you finish all your school homework and then remember that you've still got Kumon.

    15. When you take your work to the marker and then you have to watch them correct your mistakes.

    my heart beats so fast when the teacher marks my work in front of me #kumonproblems

    16. When you do Kumon every single day but you're still bottom of your class.

    17. Or worse, when you're top. So you spend your life waiting for everyone else to catch up.

    I swear half my time spent in study groups consist of me waiting for everyone to catch up with me so I can check my answers #kumonproblems

    18. When even the "I <3 Kumon" note you wrote in the top right hand corner didn't make your answers right.

    19. When you get full marks but your marker doesn't circle the "A" carriage of the train.

    20. When you just need to sleep but you haven't done your Kumon yet.

    21. When you get a part time job as a marker, and the work is never ending.

    22. But worst of all, when you eventually leave and spend the rest of your life circling things that are right.

    When you&#x27;ve been circling so many sheets you find yourself drawing big red circles over your work from college #kumonproblems