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21 Lessons Every Twentysomething Learns On Their First Trip To Ikea

Take. A. Meatball. Break.

1. As soon as you enter the showroom, you'll have an overwhelming desire to run around, make a fake cup of tea, and then get into bed.

2. And then you'll take a whole bunch of selfies in kitchens you can't afford.

3. If you're with your S.O., everything you do will feel like a massive cliché.

4. You'll steal as many of these bad boys as you can.

5. And before long, you'll get distracted by the cuddly toys.

6. But the room that really gets you is the ~bits~ room, aka scented-candle heaven.

7. At this point you'll start asking yourself questions like, "Could I be the kind of person who grows herbs?"

8. "Could we be the kind of people who get pre-cooled water out of the fridge at dinnertime?"

9. "Could I be the kinda gal who slices her eggs?"

10. At some point, you'll take a meatball break.

11. By the time you get to the storeroom, you will have become this baby 👶.

12. Doing this will be fun for five minutes...

13. Before you leave, you'll pay a trip to the food shop.

14. You'll soon learn that there's an art to getting all of your new furniture into your car.

15. And when you get home, ready to build your furniture, you'll realise you have 800 Allen keys but no other tools.

16. At first you'll like Ikea's friendly little instructions man.

17. But before long, something will go wrong.

18. You'll soon realise that it is possible to break your body by building furniture for too long.

19. And you'll realise that you didn't buy the (very expensive) lightbulbs for the (very cheap) lights you bought.

20. And so, despite having spent more money than you'd budgeted for, you'll have to go back for more.

21. But, in the end, it'll all be worth it because there's no feeling in this world quite like this: