If We Talked About Men The Way We Talk About Women

    "His wife must be loaded."

    There'd be assumptions about how men got their jobs:

    And their money:

    And no one would think men deserve what they have:

    There'd be intrusive questions asked:

    Sweeping, sexist statements made:

    Inappropriate slut-shaming:

    And cat-calls on the street:

    Men would have to justify how much they eat:

    How many people they sleep with:

    And what their bodies look like:

    Women would ask men to do chores:

    Be surprised when men are funny:

    Speculate over why men have jobs:

    And ask probing questions about their hormones:

    Women would assume men only go to the gym to impress them:

    They'd make derogatory remarks:

    And tell men how not to feel:

    People would come up with theories about why men go to university:

    Wonder whether they're good in the kitchen:

    And comment on the tone of men's voices:

    Girlfriends would tell their boyfriends how to dress:

    Carry their bags:

    And act pleased when their boyfriends are ~girly~:

    Men would bitch about each other's bodies:

    Make meaningless remarks based on hair colour:

    And come up with lazy alternatives to work:

    Women would show patronising concern when men seem tense:

    Use meaningless adjectives:

    Comment on the dowdiness of men's clothing:

    Find it cute when men say stupid things:

    And be confused about why guys always go for bad girls: