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    12 Affirmations From Black Girls Rock! That You Need In Your Life

    Because like Beverly Bond said, we don't need anyone's permission to affirm ourselves.

    BET's annual Black Girls Rock! award show is always the epitome of #blackgirlmagic and this year's was no different.

    1. This word from Rihanna about confidence being key.

    2. This simple but powerful affirmation from Shonda.

    3. This badass proclamation from Amandla.

    4. This always relevant Maya Angelou quote from Danai.

    5. This accurate point from Hillary.

    6. This beautiful command from Beverly, the founder of Black Girls Rock!

    7. This truth from Iyanla.

    8. This reminder from Opal.

    9. This wonderfully bold statement of self-love from Rihanna.

    10. This motivational order from Shonda.

    11. This encouragement from Danai.

    12. And of course this hope from Beverly for us all.

    I mean, it's like our First Lady said at last year's show.