
Suzanne S.

I'm the girl... Who is ridding herself of more baggage than what a Boeing 747 could carry... I'm the girl... Who'll order the 15 oz. steak and not feel bad about finishing it... I'm the girl... Who isn't afraid to love with her whole heart, because there's no other way to love.... I'm the girl... Who might ask you to hold the things I want to purchase, but never my purse.... I'm the girl... Who will ask you how something works, even if I know the answer.... I'm the girl... Who will always be willing to go fishing at the drop of a hat AND bait my own hook... I'm the girl... Who'll be nearly completely dressed, then realize my eyeshadow doesn't look right with the outfit I picked out... I'm the girl... Who'll talk incessantly about things you probably couldn't care less about... I'm the girl... Who'll drag you to chick flicks and make you watch reruns of "Sex And The City", but will never watch "Saw" or any movie with Vin Diesel... I'm the girl... Who CAN change the toilet paper roll, but will still want you to do it... I'm the girl... Who'll think you're not into me if you don't tell me you love me less than twice a day (only when in a relationship...just dating would be creepy!)... I'm the girl... Who'll answer your calls even when I'm out with my friends... I'm the girl... Who'll always have her best girlfriends, even if they are gay men... I'm the girl... Who'll cry on your shoulder and expect you to comfort me in any way you can, even if it means going to the store for Ben and Jerry's... I'm the girl... Who expects you to be stronger than me and not have more estrogen than I do.... I'm the girl... Who can change topics faster than I can type, and eventually wind my way back to the original topic AND continue as though that's what we were talking about the entire time... I'm the girl... Who has male friends whom I don't intend to lose... I'm the girl... Who will smoke a cigarillo, while nagging you to eat healthier and to take your vitamins... I'm the girl... Who'll stop always remembering to shave her legs a couple of times a week after we've been together for longer than 3 months.... I'm the girl... Who always gives people the benefit of the doubt and who will always root for the underdog... BUT I'm also the girl... Who doesn't care who or what your friends are... I'm also the girl... Who will occasionally remember to do the dishes... I'm also the girl... Who will actually tell you what's wrong... I'm also the girl... Who'll never ask "Do you want to have sex?" I'm also the girl... Who loves football, playing pool, and having a beer... I'm also the girl... Who does not want or expect to hear from you every day... I'm also the girl... Who won't get pissy with you for a night out with your friends... I'm also the girl... Who can handle her own life and her own crises, but loves it when you want to try and help... I'm also the girl... Who has a hard time losing weight, so I'll probably never get less than a size 12..

Dec 2009
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