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Show Us A Picture You Have As A Kid That Screams "Guh Guh Guh Gaaay"

Because these pictures are always the best.

First and foremost, Happy Pride!

Are you LGBTQ?

a group of people from various backrounds

Excellent. Great. Now I need your help for a BuzzFeed post.

a group of people from variating backgrounds cheering

I'm sure you have great pictures of yourself that scream "how did I not know?!"

me striking a pose

Maybe you celebrated Britney Spears' birthday and forced your friends to sing "Happy Birthday" to a cardboard cutout and eat a cake with the words "Brit" spelled out in marshmallows.

me with a britney spears cake

Maybe you were always striking a pose.

me striking a pose

Or maybe you were just OBSESSED with watching figure skating at the Olympics.

a quote about how i loved figure skating

I want to see your pictures that scream "Mom, the signs were everywhere!!"

So, because these pictures are the best/a BuzzFeed favorite, share with us your "gayest" childhood picture along with a little explanation about it in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

Looking for more ways to get involved? Check out all of BuzzFeed's posts celebrating Pride 2021.