This Guy Trying To Avoid Spoilers Is All Of Us

    All spoilers must die.

    In this modern age, it is imperative that you learn to run from spoilers at all costs, otherwise perish.

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    We've all missed an episode of our favorite show from time to time, whether from drinking too much before watching or just too busy living life.

    The next morning, though, listening to the radio is definitely not an option on the commute.

    When you get to work, you have to make sure to avoid the guy who always talks about your show. Dammit, Jerry! Get out of here.

    And don't even think about going near the water cooler! It's a hotbed for spoiler activity.

    Meetings? Forget it.

    And good luck socializing at lunch. This is going to be a day spent in solitary confinement until you can get yourself to a TV.
