Hugh Jackman Gave Amanda Seyfried A Lap Dance

    The Les Miserables stars recently celebrated Amanda's birthday, during which Hugh got friendly while singing "Happy Birthday."

    Hugh told Jay Leno about the party

    "I don't know if you had heard, but I had done [a lap dance] for Barbara Walters all those years ago," he said on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. "Very steamy. It had been a while and I had promised never to do it again, but Amanda's birthday was the night of one of the premieres for the movie in New York, so I was singing her 'Happy Birthday.'"

    It started with a serenade

    Then Hugh got up close and personal

    They brought out the cake

    And Amanda rewarded him with a kiss

    I guess some birthday wishes do come true

    "She seemed happier," he said.