24 Moments George Clooney Made You Feel Weird In The Best Way

    One fine day, indeed. Happy Birthday, George!

    1. He made you actually want to go to the doctor.

    2. Sneezed twice in a row? Make a doctor appointment STAT.

    3. Whoops. Was that one cough? Back to the doctor.

    4. Almost drowned? BACK THE DOCTOR.

    5. He made you want to seductively lick a neck tattoo.

    6. And seductively wipe up some blood.

    7. He made you want to go out in public, and feed each other sunflower seeds while staring deeply into one another's eyes.

    8. He made you want to spend a ton of money to fly to outer space and rescue his hot, floating body.

    9. He made you want to sell your kidney, gallbladder, and/or pancreas on the black market if it meant he'd put his hand on your leg like that.

    10. He made you want to be reincarnated as a goat. Actually, as this goat.

    11. He made you seriously consider becoming a thief.

    12. And not even give a damn about getting caught and going to jail, because your cellmate will be hot.

    13. He made you want to give up your color vision if it meant this is what you'd be looking at for the rest of your life.

    14. He made you legitimately hate an innocent child, because she's closer to him than you'll ever be.

    15. He also made you hate this kitten for the same reason.

    16. He made you want to actually do karaoke sober, but only if it meant he was your duet partner.

    17. He made you want to eat food off of his chiseled, glorious body.

    18. He made you actually think about making out with a fox.

    19. He made you rather want to get frisky with a poster of him, instead of with actual Ryan Gosling sitting a foot away.

    20. He made you think of all the naughty possibilities with that racket.

    21. He made you want to be maneuvered like that light.

    22. He made you want to do anything to recreate that face in bed.

    23. And, he made you want to squeeze a nipple so damn badly.

    24. No, but really.

    Happy Birthday, George! We love you! 🎂