21 People Who Are Colder Than You Right Now

    Get it together, Mother Nature.

    People in the Northeast U.S. have been experiencing a brutal winter, with record-breaking temperatures.

    So the BuzzFeed Community asked its Twitter followers to tell us just how cold they really are.

    How cold are you? Send us a screenshot of the temperature on your phone!

    Here are the chilling results.

    1. -16 degrees in Peterborough.

    2. -5 in Buffalo.

    3. 11 degrees in Lansing.

    Hey @BuzzFeeders here's the weather in Lansing

    4. 7 degrees in Covington.

    @BuzzFeeders we don't mess around with double digits

    5. 2 degrees in Buffalo.

    I'm so warm today @BuzzFeeders! It's our first day above zero in almost a week.

    6. 9 degrees in Cincinnati.

    The weather this week... #cincinnatiproblems @BuzzFeeders

    7. -22 in Hamilton.

    8. 14 degrees in Traverse City.

    @BuzzFeeders I'm cold. But not as cold as I was yesterday. :)

    9. 9 degrees in Southfield.

    @BuzzFeeders it's actually warmer than its been all week

    10. 27 degrees in Flagstaff.

    11. 14 degrees in Paterson.

    12. 30 degrees in Winnipeg.

    @BuzzFeeders could be worse, could live in Winnipeg

    13. 3 degrees in Bad Salzuflen in Germany.

    @BuzzFeeders perfect day to binge watch American Horror Story 💀

    14. -26 degrees in Ottawa County.

    15. 21 degrees in New York.

    @BuzzFeeders I'm not gonna leave my house any time soon

    16. 7 degrees in Kent.

    17. 16 degrees in Murfreesboro.

    RT"@BuzzFeeders: How cold are you? Send us a screenshot of the temperature on your phone!

    18. 21 degrees in Roanoke.

    @BuzzFeeders shorts and t-shirt weather compared to everyone else...

    19. 17 degrees in Whitman.

    @BuzzFeeders welcome to New England where it never stops snowing.

    20. Zero degrees in Minneapolis.


    @BuzzFeeders sadly, that's not the worst it gets here. -48 degrees Celsius last month.

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