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18 Things The Left Shark Is Totally Thinking

"I think I left the oven on."

It's no surprise that the real winner of Super Bowl XLIX was Katy Perry's left shark.


To honor this break-out star, the BuzzFeed Community asked its Twitter followers to caption the left shark.

Here are the brilliant responses.

1. "Did I leave the oven on?"

2. "My girlfriend just texted me 'we need to talk.'"

3. "Did I clear my browser history?"

4. "Uh oh. I shouldn't have had those fish tacos."

5. "I forgot to record Downton Abbey."

6. "OMG, my crush is looking right this way. What do I do?"

7. "Bad news. I just got cast in Sharknado 3."

8. "I think I just farted."

9. "I think my period is late."

10. "I'm only here so I don't get fined!"

11. "Did I pull out?"

12. "All those years I spent working hard to get my Bachelor's degree are finally worth it."

13. "I've forgotten the safe word again..."

14. "I thought it would just be a fart."

15. "My mom caught us playing when we were supposed to be asleep."

16. "Wait. My phone isn't in my pocket."

17. "I just poured a bowl of cereal but realized there's no milk."

18. "There's no water. I'm gonna die any minute."

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