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21 Things All Awkward People Know To Be True

As told by Liz Lemon.

1. You're perfectly content with staying at home because going out with a group of people is just ~too much~.

2. You have absolutely no clue when people show even the slightest bit of interest in you.

3. Just thinking about the idea of conversing at a party causes you to lose sleep.

4. You often find yourself talking back to the TV, because you spend so much time with it.

5. You constantly fear that you'll never find ~true love~, and you cringe every time someone brings up the word "lovers."

6. ...Which explains why your view on relationships is askew.

7. You often get nervous in front of new people, in fear that you'll turn into a bumbling idiot.

8. Your friends have heard every excuse in the book when you try to get out of something.

9. ...So they have to lure you into hanging out with them, since you're so content with staying at home.

10. You have no idea how to show your own emotions.

11. And in the off chance that you do open up to someone, you're a little ~too~ honest.

12. And that also explains why you try so hard to relate to everyone else.

13. You're a little too possessive when it comes to your comfort zone.

14. No one understands your obscure (and constant) pop culture references.

15. You easily take offense to all of your awkward passions and personal quirks.

16. You laugh at your own jokes more than anyone else in the room.

17. You're painfully innocent and feel haunted by your childhood attempts at dating.

18. ...Which explains why thinking about the future leaves you in cold sweats.

19. ...And that you have absolutely no idea how to commence ~sexy fun time~.

20. But in the end it doesn't really matter, 'cause you've mastered your awkwardness.

21. So flaunt it. Flaunt it loud and proud!