21 Famous Books Reimagined To Be About Cheese

    50 Shades of Gruyere.

    We asked followers of the BuzzFeed Community to recreate famous book titles for cheese lovers. Here are the gouda results.

    Want to be featured on BuzzFeed? Change a famous book title to be about cheese. #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    1. Yes Cheese

    2. The Swissterhood of The Traveling Pants

    The Swissterhood Of The Traveling Pants #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    3. The Fetamorphosis

    @BuzzFeeders "The Fetamorphosis" #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    4. Animal Parm

    5. Gouda Night Moon

    6. 50 Shades of Gruyere

    7. The Secret Life of Bries

    @BuzzFeeders The Secret Life of Bries #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    8. Feta Attraction

    Feta Attraction #IfBooksWereAboutCheese @BuzzFeeders

    9. The Grate Gatsby

    10. Waiting for Gouda

    "Waiting for Gouda" #IfBooksWereAboutCheese (do plays count?)

    11. A Brie History of Time

    A Brie History of Time #IfBooksWereAboutCheese @BuzzFeeders

    12. Of Slice and Men

    Of Slice and Men by John Rindbeck #ifbookswereaboutcheese @BuzzFeeders

    13. Pepper Jack and the Beanstalk

    14. Havarti of Darkness

    Havarti of Darkness #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    15. The Old Man and the Brie

    @BuzzFeeders The Old Man and the Brie #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    16. East of Edam

    East of Edam #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    17. To Kill A Mocking-curd

    18. Oliver Swiss

    19. Mozzar-Ella Enchanted

    .@BuzzFeedBooks @BuzzFeeders Mozzarella Enchanted #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    20. The Scarlett Cheddar

    @BuzzFeeders The Scarlet Cheddar #IfBooksWereAboutCheese

    21. Harry Potter and the Order of the Brie-nix

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