33 People Who Cannot Handle Prince Philip's Australian Knighthood

    Mr Elizabeth II awarded Knight of the Order of Australia by PM Tony Abbott. "Is it April Fool's Day?"

    Prince Philip has been made a Knight of the Order of Australia, and Australia is not amused.

    PM Tony Abbott reintroduced knighthoods last year for the first time since 1986, to widespread mockery.

    The PM's statement announcing the Queen's husband, Prince Philip, has been made a Knight of the Order of Australia

    1. Australia's tweeters had a lot to say...

    Prince Philip in his budgie smuggling days #noneedtothankme


    "I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing." - Prince Philip, 1988


    Anyway happy Prince Philip day everyone


    "Prince Philip's knighthood is ..." *checks notes* "... bad"


    Prince Philip must be THRILLED to be made an Australian knight. Now he gets to call himself Sir Philip.


    Prince Philip awarded Knight of the Order of Australia by Prime Minister @TonyAbbottMHR : Hyacinth Bucket approves!


    Surely Shane Warne was more deserving of a knighthood than Prince Phillip? Sir Shane? @ShaneWarne


    Coming up in the next exciting episode of My Australia Day Honours List Rules...


    Imagine the excitement at Buckingham Palace when Prince Philip learnt he'd scored an Australian knighthood. Just what I wanted, he cried.


    What next? Will Abbott make his horse a Senator? #auspol


    Important to remember that Prince Philip, Knight of the Order of Australia, once called Aboriginal people spear-chuckers


    Arise, Sir Prince Philip! Honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up! Well played, Tones. Keeping political satire alive and well.


    People focussing on Prince Philip's casual racism. Let's not forget: "To female sea cadet last year: “Do you work in a strip club?” Arise!


    So proud. Australia knights Prince Philip. Who needs satire?


    Congratulations Prince Philip on your knighthood, and congratulations the Middle Ages on becoming a thing again!


    I want to be angry about Prince Philip being made a Knight of Australia, but I'm too busy laughing to be honest! :)


    Prince Philip is like "Frankly I am not amused by all this fuss. I've never been fond of Austria."


    I’m starting to wonder if Tony Abbott is actually just one of the Chaser boys waiting for us to realise. http://t.co/pTWp0smBoU


    Prince Philip, 2011, to a group of Aborigines: "Do you still throw spears at each other?" Spot on @TonyAbbottMHR


    Once the Queen reminds him where Australia is, I'm certain Prince Philip will be delighted with his new knighthood. http://t.co/zx8F6Ef1gS


    Prince Philip? Memo Abbott, it's #Straya day today, not April Fools day.


    So TA gave Prince Philip a knighthood, kind of like someone giving Richard Branson's wife their frequent flyer miles #philgate


    Ninety Sir Prince Philip gaffes in ninety years : for services to racism http://t.co/oh3D4MXdkj


    Reading this list of Prince Philip's worst gaffes and crying with appalled laughter. A knighthood for jocular racism. http://t.co/tpRR4CvlyT


    EXCLUSIVE PIC: First reactions from Buckingham Palace to exciting news about Prince Philip's Australian knighthood...


    Australia Day gets even more of an 18th Century feel with the appointment of new knights http://t.co/0DnYB1lRwC


    Prince Philip: "Oh look, Lizzie. The colonies are giving me a knighthood! It's like they think they're people." [sips tea & shrugs, baffled]


    So Abbott actually went through with that knights and dames thing eh http://t.co/NzP6Pav232


    I didn’t realise that Australia could knight people who aren’t Australian. But here we are, Sir Prince Philip.


    What speaks to our future: a knighthood for Prince Philip, or working towards an Australian head of state?


    No, it's not an episode of The Chaser. The PM has made Prince Philip a Knight. For real. Republicans rejoice http://t.co/tHtDQbyBJV


    Prince Phillip, seriously? Sir Prince Duke Phillip - for services to inappropriate remarks and indolence? Please. Sir Prince Duke.


    Queen's husband Prince Philip to receive Australian knighthood...something he's probably always longed for