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Men Wore Makeup For A Week And Looked Glam AF

“My face is all one tone and that only happens when you’re dead.”

For some men, makeup is uncharted (somewhat intimidating) territory. So, the Test Friends decided to see how three non-makeup-wearing men fared wearing it for a week.

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Step one: Conquer a makeup counter and find the boys some products to work with.

Curly's focus was to fill in his beard and get that ~hot~ grizzly look.

And he wasn't leaving until he channeled his inner super model.

Ryan wanted to get those Cara Delevingne brows...

...Though the actual ~process~ of attaining that look was a bit foreign to him.

Shane wanted to improve his... uh, overall face?...

...Though he didn't feel the difference right off the bat.

Once the week kicked off, Ryan enlisted the help of his makeup-savvy girlfriend.

Shane started to realize the true power of makeup when he covered up a rogue zit.

And Ryan was feelin' the compliments from his coworkers.

Overall, the experience was a pretty positive one for the guys. And while not all of them were going to continue to use makeup on the reg, they realized it could definitely be a confidence boost.