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Robert Downey Jr Has Walked Out Of An Interview With Channel 4 News

An interview about The Avengers: Age of Ultron with Krishnan Guru-Murthy came to a swift close when some rather personal questions were asked. Update: On The Howard Stern Show, Downey Jr said he wished he left the interview sooner.

A Channel 4 News interview with Robert Downey Jr went weird when Krishnan Guru-Murthy asked him about comments he made to the New York Times in 2008 about how his political views changed while he was in prison.

Downey Jr responded:

The next question was just as awkward.

Downey Jr then looked away to someone off camera, suggesting that he wanted the interview to be brought to a close.

And when Guru-Murthy said the interview still had a few minutes left, he came back with this.

vine.co / Via Channel 4 News / youtube.com

"Your foot is starting to jump a little bit – you better get to your next question."

Guru-Murthy then attempted to ask another question.

And at this point Downey Jr walked out.

This cameraman at the end summed it all up.

You can watch the interview here.

View this video on YouTube


The bit when it starts to go a bit wrong is from five minutes in.

Guru-Murthy is no stranger to awkward interviews. In 2013 Quentin Tarantino said this to him during an interview about Django Unchained.

In a subsequent interview with The Howard Stern Show, Downey Jr said he wished he left the interview with Guru-Murthy sooner. "I don't even know that guy's name," he said, "but I know he pulled the same garbage on Tarantino and Tarantino stayed in his chair and lit him up for five minutes.

"I'm one of those guys who, I'm always assuming the social decorum is in play, and that we're promoting a superhero movie, a lot of kids are going to see it, and that this has nothing to do with your creepy dark agenda that I'm feeling all of a sudden, like, ashamed and obligated to accommodate your weirdo shit."

You can listen to him telling Howard Stern about the experience here.
