13 Invisible Things You Definitely Missed At The First GOP Debate

    #gopdebate #truther

    There's a lot of stuff viewers caught on to during the first GOP debate. But there's also a lot of stuff they missed-- because it was invisible.

    1. For instance, did you catch when Trump conducted an orchestra in the middle of the debate?

    2. Or when Walker ate a banana split sundae but got a little chocolate fudge on his lips?

    3. Ben Carson showed off his 5-dollar foot-long.

    4. John Kasich fought off several ninjas (which are notoriously hard to spot):

    5. Huckabee demonstrated his butter churning technique:

    6. Trump explained why Nicki Minaj was his ideal body type:

    7. Cruz swatted at the Fox News logo:

    8. Scott Walker wore some Beats By Dre and rocked out to Dre's new album:

    9. Rand Paul showed us where his poll numbers were going:

    10. Jeb shooed away all of the pigeons that somehow got on stage:

    11. Ben Carson threw pixie dust at the audience to put them to sleep:

    12. Rubio played the tiniest accordion:

    13. Trump perused the library and found a book he wanted, then he remembered books suck and threw it back: