15 Pets Who Double As Circle Scarves

    Who needs a circle scarf when you have a husky?

    1. It's getting colder and colder out there so grab your scarf or husky puppy and prepare for winter.

    2. Scarves, hats and mittens are great but do you know what's better? A furry friend.

    3. Larger ones and smaller ones, it doesn't matter. Look at this big guy who's just concerned about you catching a cold.

    4. Can your scarf give you kisses while simultaneously regulating your body heat? Didn't think so.

    5. The last thing they want is for you to get sick and not be able to play with them, so take them with you on a brisk outdoor walk.

    6. Chilly while hanging around the house? Try a dog.

    7. The furrier the better!

    8. Wondering what will really set off your outfit? Try a cat perched on your shoulder.

    9. And remember that keeping you cozy is a full time job so let them have a nap every once in a while.

    10. Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Oh yeah, and don't forget your best friend.

    11. Look at how concerned this cat is about you. They want the best for you.

    12. Can a scarf pose for a photo with you? Didn't think so.

    13. Is a scarf adjustable? Does it breathe on you? Does it love you?

    14. No, didn't think so.

    15. Thank you, pets, for loving us and cuddling us. Winter is bearable because of your cuteness. Keep doing what you're doing.