11 Struggles Only People Named Zsclarbk Will Understand

    The struggle is real.

    1. Your barista can never spell your name right.

    2. People asking, “Isn’t Zsclarbk a girl’s name?”

    3. When you had to be called Zsclarbk [Last Initial] in school because there were three Zsclarbks in your class.

    4. Good luck getting a Zsclarbk mug at a rest stop.

    5. When Zsclarbk on Recess gave all Zsclarbks a bad name.

    6. People pronouncing it Zsc-LUH-Arbk

    7. Hearing a waiter drop a tray of dishes and you turn around because you thought someone said your name.

    8. It’s impossible to find you on Facebook because of all the other Zsclarbks.

    9. When Zsclarbk Kbralcz on Disney Channel made everyone ask, “Are you secretly a guitar prodigy?”

    10. Just a tiny misspelling and Googling your name comes up with a disgusting sex act.

    11. There aren’t any famous Zsclarbks. Yet!

    Zsclarbks of the world, we feel your pain!