11 Other Popular Things That Were Lies Created By Jimmy Kimmel

    After looking more closely at some other internet sensations I noticed something I hadn't seen before. I feel so so used.

    1. Overly Attached Girlfriend

    Enhanced 283.44%

    2. Grumpy Cat

    Enhanced 320.6%

    3. Michael Jordan

    Enhanced 281.45%

    4. Seinfeld

    Enhanced 314.41%

    5. Sharknados

    Enhanced 423.53%

    6. Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift

    Enhanced 331.8%

    7. That Bill Clinton Inauguration photobomb

    Enhanced 336.45%

    8. Those unflattering photos of Beyoncé

    Enhanced 248.28%

    9. Justin Bieber's poopy pants

    Enhanced 256.23%

    10. Miley Cyrus' tongue

    Enhanced 574.5%

    11. and finally, Neil Patrick Harris

    Enhanced 305.71%

    And now I have trust issues. Thanks, Jimmy.