This D-Day Veteran Snuck Out Of His Care Home And Fled The Country To Honour His Fallen Comrades

    Step 1: Hide medals under raincoat. Step 2: Secretly hop on cross-channel ferry.

    When elderly resident Bernard Jordan failed to return from his walk, staff at The Pines care home in Hove, East Sussex called the police.

    The former Naval officer was eventually tracked down in Normandy, where he was commemorating the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

    Apparently he'd deliberately snuck out of the care home, hidden his war medals under his coat, and travelled to France by coach and ferry.

    A privilege for us to carry #bernardjordan to Normandy.

    "I wanted to go to this show," he told an ITV broadcaster in Normandy. "It's a first class show. I have been last year and if I am still about I shall try next year's as well."

    Bernard Jordan on the bridge of the Normandie with the Captain and Purser this morning. #DDay70

    Troops from the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Parachute Regiment escorted the D-Day veteran home on the ferry. "He's our new best mate," they told the Daily Mail.

    Jordan claims that he took flight because staff at The Pines refused to allow him to attend the commemorations.

    However, on their Facebook page, the company that runs the home has stated that his request was simply "too last minute".