The Definitive Ranking Of Cheese From Worst To Best

    Milk + bacteria x time = wondrous variety.

    28. Cottage cheese.

    27. Ricotta.

    26. Emmental.

    25. Feta.

    24. String cheese.

    23. Goat's cheese.

    22. Wensleydale.

    21. Edam.

    20. Paneer.

    19. Gorgonzola.

    18. Roquefort.

    17. Parmigiano-Reggiano.

    16. Any kind of smoked cheese.

    15. Manchego.

    14. Reblochon.

    13. Babybel.

    12. American cheese.

    11. Cream cheese.

    10. Red Leicester.

    9. Monterey Jack.

    8. Halloumi.

    7. Camembert.

    6. Époisses.

    5. Mozzarella.

    4. Stilton.

    3. Brie.

    2. Cheddar.

    1. Cambozola.