Can You Get Through These 15 Photos Of High-Rise Hong Kong Apartments Without Feeling Claustrophobic?

    The amazing photography of Michael Wolf may make your sphincter tighten.

    1. These photos are of densely-packed high-rise apartment buildings in Hong Kong.

    2. They were taken by photographer Michael Wolf, as part of his Architecture of Density series.

    3. Hong Kong has a rapidly growing population.

    4. There are more than 16,000 people for each square mile.

    5. The images are mainly of affordable public housing built by the government.

    6. Some of these tower blocks are more than 40 storeys high.

    7. It's hard to imagine so many people living crammed together like this.

    8. Although you can see signs of life in these zoomed-in pictures.

    9. Which throw the giant unending monoliths into sharp relief.

    10. Claustrophobic yet?

    11. Michael explores the buildings further in his 'Night' series.

    12. The lights in the darkness help the faceless buildings to come to life.

    13. You can almost get a sense of people's lives carrying on behind each lit window.

    14. Almost.

    15. Michael also has a photo series called 'Lost Laundry', which you should probably check out.

    See more on Michael Wolf's website.