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15 Things MSN Messenger Taught You About Relationships

The best education you ever received.

A whole generation owes so much to MSN Messenger. It's where we learnt how to type at speed...

And where we (eventually) realised that smiles_and_hugs_and_giggles_4eva_xxx@hotmail.com was not an appropriate email address.

But more than anything, it taught us how to find love.

1. You have to put the hours in.

2. It's all about standing out from the crowd.

3. Knowing how to properly express your emotions is key.

4. It's important to keep an air of mystery at all times.

5. And do everything you can to attract their attention.

6. It's easy to over-analyse everything your other half says or does.

7. But you have to play it cool.

8. Be patient, and it'll all work out in the end.

9. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the odd white lie.

10. You're only doing it because you care.

11. And often it's all about avoiding conflict.

12. But no healthy relationship works without the ability to compromise.

13. If it's not going well, you have to know when to back off.

14. Trusting other people can be tough.

15. But when you know it's not right, you've got to make tough decisions and move on.

So thank you, Bill Gates. We owe you more than you could ever know.