This Tiny Pony Could See Bugger All From His Stable So Some Clever Kids Helped Him Out

    Pedro was struggling to see anything due to his diminutive size.

    Meet Pedro the Shetland pony.

    Pedro is a little bit smaller than the other animals at the horse club.

    Which is fine and everything, it's just he can't really see anything out of his stable door.

    "Well, this sucks, stupid bloody stable door."

    "Hey guys, what am I missing out on?"

    "I feel like there's so much fun going on out there."

    So during the February half term, kids at the Ebony Horse Club decided to come up with a solution to help Pedro out.

    Someone even suggested getting him a pair of high heels.

    In the end though, they decided to go for the "Pedroscope", a specially made periscope.

    The Ebony Horse Club said in a blog post that the children loved showing Pedro how to use his new visual aid.

    Volunteer Susan Collins told BuzzFeed the club also needed Pedro's current stable for a larger horse.

    You can find out more about Pedro's story in this video, uploaded by Ebony Horse Club volunteer Susan at the weekend.

    View this video on YouTube

    And more about the horse club on its website.