Distressing Video Brings Syrian Civil War To London

    The Save the Children campaign is hoping to raise awareness about the plight of youngsters in Syria.

    The video was released as part of the build-up to the third anniversary of the conflict on March 15.

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    The harrowing clip reimagines the Syrian civil war in London, as seen through the eyes of a young girl.

    The video is supposed to show the girl’s 'life, security, happiness and health crumble around her'.

    According to Save the Children, over 10,000 children have been killed in the Syrian civil war.

    More than two million have now been turned into refugees.

    The charity is trying to keep those that have been displaced and the children trapped in Syria safe and healthy.

    Jack Lundie, the charity's director of brand and communications, said: 'We hope the video will resonate with members of the public who don't know much about the situation in Syria so they can really understand the plight of innocent Syrian children.

    'The message to the public is just because it's not happening here, doesn't mean it's not happening.'

    For more on the Save the Children campaign click here.