A Glitch Caused Netflix's App To Create Some Truly Weird And Wonderful Movie Summaries

    And thankfully @SummaryBug was keeping a record of the best ones.

    There appears to have been a glitch in one of Netflix's apps, causing summaries of different films and TV shows to be mixed together.

    Goat man? more like renaissance man

    The results were pretty amusing:

    it's not a duplicate tweet, twitter. each one is a snowflake

    And thankfully @summarybug has been listing all the best ones for posterity.

    However, Netflix announced on Twitter today the glitch had now been fixed.

    The @SummaryBug is officially squashed. Luckily we had a can of Raid handy.

    Sad times.

    It was fun while it lasted! RT @Summarybug jaw breaker

    A Netflix spokesman told BuzzFeed the glitch "happened only on certain smart TVs and while amusing, we did fix it yesterday (Wednesday)".

    Here are some of the best mash-ups caused by the temporary glitch:

    ET got stunner𠆝, it was pretty sweet

    BuzzFeed approached Netflix for a comment on the alleged glitch.