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    24 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Exercising Easier

    So you want to get fit. It's a long, painful road, but these tips will keep you on track.

    1. Listen to a riveting audiobook while you exercise, and tell yourself you can only listen WHILE exercising.

    2. Try it with your favorite podcast too.

    3. Download the Fitocracy app and gamify your workouts.

    4. The right workout clothes matter.

    5. An app like will play music from your library to match your pace.

    6. For the first month, make a schedule and stick to it.

    7. Start exercising by running for just one minute. Add another minute each day.

    8. Improve your ability to run by talking while running.

    9. Employ an activity monitor to help you challenge yourself.

    10. Pick a television drinking game, but instead of drinking, get up and do 10 push-ups or 20 lunges.

    11. Make your playlists as long as you plan to exercise to keep you from constantly glancing at the timer.

    12. If you hate most top 40, there ARE indie workout playlists.

    13. Always keep a gym bag in your car or at work, even if you weren't planning to work out.

    14. If you're an early-morning exerciser, go to sleep in your workout clothes.

    15. Add frozen fruit to your water bottle.

    16. About to go running but worried it might rain?

    17. Take up drumming.

    Playing the drums provides a seriously fun and sweaty workout. If you hate sports or general gym activities, find an activity you enjoy that involves some sort of movement like biking to work or dancing to Robyn songs.

    18. Find something simple and easy you can do while watching television.

    19. Try a workout video from the '80s or '90s.

    View this video on YouTube

    Many of them, like this Alyssa Milano gem, are available on YouTube and feature sweet retro dance moves and really good music. Another one of my favorites is the quintessentially '90s Cindy Crawford workout. The music selection is superb.

    20. Play video games while you're on the exercise bike.

    21. Wear a weighted vest while running errands.

    22. Before checking your email or heading to the kitchen for a snack, force yourself to do some sit-ups and push-ups.

    Every little bit counts.

    23. Don't join a gym. Pay yourself every time you exercise.

    24. Join a really nice gym.