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24 Expensive Things That Aren't Worth The Money

Money can't always buy happiness.

1. Fancy mascara brands.

2. HDMI and A/V cables purchased IRL from a store.

3. Bread machines.

4. Expensive skincare that won't reverse your impending signs of aging.

5. Mani/pedis.

6. $300 Beats by Dre headphones.

7. Designer handbags that cost more than your car down payment.

8. Buying into diamonds, which are basically an international conspiracy.

9. Shelling out thousands of dollars for a purebred dog or cat (notwithstanding the moral implications).

10. Logo and brand-emblazoned clothing that will seem passé a year later.

11. A wedding that lands you in debt.

12. New and expensive furniture that has no resale value.

13. Excessive usage of weed, alcohol, and cigarettes.

14. Expensive olive oil, if you're using it for cooking.

15. Unlimited texting, if you also have a data plan.

16. A $100,000-plus law degree that sinks you even deeper into student loan debt.

17. Pricey vacations to faraway places.

18. Buying a home if you're not at least 90% positive it's a good investment.

19. Overpriced steakhouse dinners.

20. Your cable package.

21. Prescription glasses or contacts from a real store.

22. Newfangled "must have" baby accessories.

23. Buying things the second they come out.

If you are older than the age of 12, you don't need to be the first person on the block to own a coveted item. Things like gadgets, games, game consoles, and cars go way down in price if you just wait a few months.

24. A materialistic partner who is most likely in love with your money and not with you.