"Springwatch" Showed A Close-Up Of A Leech's Anal Sucker And It Was Horrific

    "That's what you pay your licence fee for, folks," said Chris Packham. "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!" said everyone else.

    If you watch Springwatch, the BBC's flagship nature programme and uniquely British badger-bothering tweefest, you may have witnessed this last night.

    I did not expect to hear the phrase 'anal sucker' on BBC Springwatch.

    Wow, a closeup of a leech's anal sucker. I'm going to miss #Springwatch.

    Yes, you read that right. A leech with an "anal sucker". If you don't want to see it, don't click the image below.

    Not everyone was impressed, especially people who were eating their dinner.

    'Anal sucker'??? I'm eating here. #springwatch

    "here's a close up of its anal sucker" spring watch literally what the fuck

    This is all to do with "Spineless Simon", a stickleback fish who's featured throughout this series of Springwatch, which was filmed at RSPB Minsmere in Suffolk.

    The fish was happily fanning away (this is what sticklebacks do apparently).

    Then he spotted something in the silt and thought "I'm having that". But unfortunately that thing was a leech, which attacted itself to his EYEBALL with its ANAL SUCKER.

    As presenter Chris Packham explained: "We think what was happening there, the leech was protecting itself when Si [the fish] attacked it. It attached itself to its eye using its anal sucker.

    "We've got a close-up here – that's what you pay your licence fee for, folks."

    Here is the magical moment Chris Packham showed the nation a close-up of an anal sucker, for you to enjoy again and again.

    vine.co / Via BBC