This Pug Has The Most Adorable Halloween Costumes

    A human dressing up as a pug would never be this cute.

    Meet Homer Pugalicious.

    The adorable pug dresses up most days, but still has to chewz a Halloween costume.

    It'll be interesting to see where he finds one he hasn't worn before.

    Whether the costume is saucy...

    Or sweet...

    Homer doesn't want anything that says "been there, done that."

    The costume's gotta be something out of the blue!

    Homer's got to be flying high above his competition.

    Did someone say Superpug?

    Is that Katy Puggy?

    In a way, Homer has been smart.

    No matter what, Homer will look udderly adorable.

    It's admirable that he still wants to find a koala-ty costume.

    You'd be lion if you said you weren't impressed by his commitment.

    Your pugcock costume would never look this good.

    Is all this cuteness making you tired?


    There has never been a more realistic Cookie Monster smile.

    Why not try something new?

    Cuteness in abun(ny)dance.

    We can't bear it!

    Abandoning the puns because this is more perfect than a real unicorn.


    But seriously, this is the last one.

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