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    46 Foods That Will Always And Forever Remind You Of "Seinfeld"

    These pretzels are making me thirsty.

    1. Black and white cookies

    2. Jambalaya

    3. Cornish game hen

    4. Peanut butter right from the jar

    5. Marble rye

    6. Big salads

    7. Jujyfruits

    8. Snickers bars

    9. Junior Mints

    10. Deli meat

    11. Calzones

    12. Mutton

    13. Muffin tops

    14. Fat-free frozen yogurt

    15. T-bone steaks

    16. Oh Henry! candy bars

    17. Twix bars

    18. Pez

    19. Fusilli pasta

    20. Eclairs

    21. Risotto

    22. Mango

    23. SOUP

    24. Bosco

    25. Ice cream sundaes

    26. Sausages

    27. Bananas

    28. Babka

    29. Bagels

    30. Butter

    31. Flounder

    32. Dip

    33. Big hunks of cheeses

    34. Peas

    35. Paella

    36. Anything from Kenny Rogers Roasters

    37. Anything from Arby's

    38. Spicy mustard

    39. Gyros

    40. Drake's Coffee Cake

    41. Kasha

    42. Cantaloupe

    43. Apple pie

    (Or just pie in general)

    44. Lobster

    45. Pudding

    46. And pretzels

    Cheers to all of us who find Seinfeld references in the everyday.

    Now feel free to chow down.