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    You Don't Need Laughing Gas When Giving Birth - It's Already Funny!

    Laughing gas (nitrous oxide) is now experiencing a resurgence in the maternity ward.

    Which really seems kind of silly. Because isn't giving birth already funny? Answer: uh, YEAH!

    Here's a list of things that will make you LOL about giving birth, written by someone who has never pushed out a baby from between her legs.

    Baby's come out super slippery! ROFL (literally)

    All newborn babies are fugly #sorrynotsorry

    You get a free 2nd baby! It's the placenta (yum yum)

    When you give birth, the FUNNIEST thing happens: YOU ALSO POOP!

    After it comes out, you have to raise it!

    See? Birth is SO FUNNY. So funny that I'm not having kids until Junior becomes a reality! #seeya #peace