When Abuela Buys You Christmas Gifts

    "¡Mira! ¡Te compré un Nintendo!"

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    BuzzFeed Yellow / Via youtube.com

    Abuelita will always give you the very latest in fashion.

    She'll always give you the hottest gaming console on the market.

    (Even though she doesn't know how it works...)

    She'll get you exactly what you need in order to...raise a family.

    And get your S.O. in the ~mood~.

    She'll get you the proper nightwear so you don't catch a cold.

    She'll give you her beautiful hand-crafted artwork.

    No matter how old you get, she'll always treat you as her little angelito.

    At the end of the day, all she wants to do is make you happy. So, gracias abuelita for being mad cool.

    You da best.