Definitive Proof That Washington DC Might Love RGIII Too Much

    Maybe find another hobby, Redskins fans.

    The following is a story [probably] based on true events: A diehard Washington Redskins fan feels down on his luck until, miraculously, a rookie quarterback named Robert Griffin III leads the 'Skins to the playoffs. "How splendid!" the fan exclaims. He sits on his recliner and thinks about how to properly express his dedication to this newfound footballing hero? "Aha! I'll buy a vanity license plate."

    The next day, that fan arrives at the local Virginia DMV. "RGIII Time, it should say!" The clerk punches letters into her computer and an error message pops up. The clerk explains to the fan that "RGIII Time" has already been taken. As has "RG3 Time," "RGIIItme," "RG3thyme," and several other combinations. "How about 'RG3TYM'?" The clerk punches in the letters again and, huzzah, "RG3TYM" is open for the taking.

    3 months later, "RG3TYM" goes to the supermarket.

    H/T @dcsportsbog