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What Is An Unwritten Rule Of Best Friendship?

If I kick a balloon up in the air, it is your job to make sure that balloon does not touch the ground.

Let's face it, there are some things only a best friend understands.

You know each other so well that almost everything is an inside joke, and you basically have your own language.

But there's also a secret code to best friendship.

Whether it's something a best friend should just know to do, like letting you approve of a picture before it gets posted online...

Openly appreciating (and answering) one of your weird and random questions...

Or something a best friend definitely should NOT do, like talk to your ex after you've made it clear that he/she is stupid and dumb and you're totally over them so why are we even having this discussion?

So tell us, what's an unwritten rule of best friendship?

Awards and badges will be given for the best responses.