25 People Who Probably Have Some Regrets In Life

    You didn't need to do that, man.

    1. The man who decided to slam his hands upon dozens of mouse traps.

    2. This carpool driver:

    3. The dude who just HAD to pet an ostrich.

    4. The man who decided to get this tattoo:

    5. This kid, who swallowed a ghost pepper for no real reason:

    6. The man who just kept teasing a chained-up dog.

    7. This deer-fighting cowboy:

    8. The man who purposefully sprinted into a 4x4.

    9. The boy who just learned how electric fences work.

    10. This idiot:

    11. This amateur bullfighter:

    12. This pole dancer:

    13. The volunteer who turned himself into a motorcycle ramp.

    14. This non-child:

    15. This wrecking ball dancer:


    16. This woman, who was determined to not let massive rushing water stop her:

    17. The dude who cannonballed into a frozen pool.

    18. This escalator rider:

    19. This nutty daredevil:

    20. The kid who set his own back on fire.

    21. This long jumper:

    22. This playground enthusiast:

    23. This firework experimentalist:


    24. The dude who let his friend hit him over the head with a wine bottle.

    25. And the owner of this work of art: