Not Surprisingly, "Cool Runnings" Is Still A Bomb-Ass Movie

    Watching it again, 20 years later.

    When I was a kid, Cool Runnings was the epitome of a cinematic adventure with twists and turns, both literal and metaphoric. In fact, I think I might have cried the first time I saw it. When the team is carrying their bobsled to the finish line, and the crowd starts the slow clap, my eyes just fill with tears of happiness. It's a great movie and I'm excited to watch it again. Let's get started.

    GTFO. Hans Zimmer did the score for this movie? That surprises me and yet it doesn't at all. Shout out to funky underlines, you guys are the best.

    Hey Jamaica, Rocky Balboa called, he wants his fantastic training montage back.

    All jokes aside, what in the hell was Junior's dad eating? So far, 10 people have no clue what it is, and I've studied that scene for around, oh, two hours. I think I'm going to call the director and ask. It's bugging me that much. Also, this movie holds up a lot more than I thought it would.

    Verdict: Cool Runnings is still the shit.