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How Women Really Feel About Valentine's Day

"It used to be cutesy, then it got to be a pain with all that pressure..."

1. "A lot of pressure when we'd all just rather watch Netflix, LET'S BE HONEST."

2. "Why not show that we care every day?"

3. "Fuck love, gimme diamonds."

4. "As good a time as any to tally up the love (romantic or otherwise) in my life."

5. "It's a product of the capitalist patriarchy. (But you could buy me milk duds.)"

6. "Feb. 15th = National Discounted Candy Day."

7. "Just another excuse to bang."

8. "Unnecessary. We should celebrate love (or like) every day!"

9. "No strong feelings one way or the other. But I like when the candy goes on sale!"

10. "I love Valentine's Day! Tell someone you love them!"

11. "It used to be cutesy, then it got to be a pain with all that pressure, and now it's just another Saturday. #365DaysOfLoving"

12. "I love V-Day! Any excuse to eat chocolate is a good one. Nom."

13. "I thought it was dumb and garbage-y... until it accidentally became my anniversary."

14. "Have always loved it, even when single! It's an excuse to tell people you love them... what's to hate about that?"