9 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Give A Fuck About Swearing

    Cursing is good for me.

    Cursing gets a bad reputation.

    They say it's "not ladylike..."

    Or a telltale sign that someone is uneducated.

    Well FUCK THAT!

    1. Swearing is not only necessary, but it's also helpful.

    2. In fact, swearing has been scientifically proven to relieve pain.

    3. And a study suggests that cursing is more closely related to emotion, rather than any level of education (or lack thereof).

    4. In other words, having a more colorful vocabulary does not mean you have a low IQ or are any less articulate than an award-winning scholar.

    5. It typically just means you're in a state of emotional arousal, in accordance with the theory that swearing is "emotional language."

    6. So if you've ever considered cursing to be your second language, you just might be right.

    7. Not only that, but adding a swear or two during a heated argument can also serve as the perfect finishing blow.

    8. Plus, it allows us to vent and express a wide variety of emotions: anger, happiness, joy, surprise.

    So what's the big fucking deal?

    9. Sure, dropping random f-bombs can certainly make you seem immature, but when used correctly, cursing is not only cathartic, but a wonderful weapon to have in your arsenal.

    So the next time someone gives you shit about swearing, just look them in the eye and give 'em the ol' "Fuck you."