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    These Hilariously Wrong "Harry Potter" Subtitles Will Make You Cry With Laughter

    "Enemy of the lab beware..." You're in for a very interesting ride.

    Tumblr-user jaymhensley had a VERY interesting experience with the subtitles on her copy of "The Chamber of Secrets..."

    It started off relatively okay...

    Things got weirder once Dobby showed up...

    And conditions continued to deteriorate at the Burrow...

    And then comes the trip to Diagon Alley...

    Things get even weirder when the Malfoys show up...

    Harry and Ron's arrival at Hogwarts doesn't fare much better...

    Even the lessons weren't safe...

    And then comes the Howler...

    Somehow, Lockhart doesn't seem that much more ridiculous than he actually is...

    Quidditch time!

    We know what happens next *coughslugscough*...

    Here comes the first attack...

    Next thing we know, Harry's in the hospital wing and- Oh! Dobi's back!

    Who is ready to meet Moaning Myrtle?

    The next scenes go by rapid-fire...

    Somewhere in there, the Polyjuice potion was prepared...

    Harry has some encounters with ghosts and flashbacks next...

    The flashback causes some suspicion...

    Even the Chamber of Secrets itself isn't hidden from the captions...

    Harry survives his encounter with the Basilisk and some questions are answered...

    After all that, the story ends on a high note...

    Check out the original post!