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    If "Inbetweeners" Quotes Were Motivational Posters

    Don't let the bus wankers get you down. NSFW language.

    1. For when you're feeling a bit lonely:

    2. For when you need a release for your energy:

    3. For when you need a little extra motivation:

    4. For when you have places to go and people to see:

    5. For when you just can't find the right question:

    6. For when you need a self-esteem boost:

    7. For when you're needing a way to say "No:"

    8. For when an experience doesn't turn out how you'd like:

    9. For when a situation is just too much to handle on your own:

    10. For when you need to be reasonable:

    11. For when you need to take a stand:

    12. For when you need to talk yourself up:

    13. For when spirituality comes into play:

    14. For when you've got a great story to tell:

    15. For when you need to blow off some steam:

    16. For when you're at any given party:

    17. For when someone calls you "crazy:"