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    10 Photos Of Mark Wahlberg That Will Restore Your Faith In His Hotness

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    1. Hidden behind this wall of waves and ocean skeet stands a man you probably forgot could DILF so hard.

    2. Dad?

    3. No, it's Mark Wahlberg you dummy and he's here to destroy you.

    4. And by destroy you, I mean sexually like in a good way.

    5. You see, beaches are a cool place to be because all bets are off. And by bets, I mean shirts. And I know that doesn't make any sense but get used to it.

    6. I am literally just saying random shit because I want an excuse to post this picture.

    7. This picture.

    8. And especially this picture.

    9. To sum it up, here's another picture of Mark Wahlberg on a beach.

    10. Hopefully he wore sunscreen.