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How To Walk The Red Carpet Like Bill Murray

No one walks the red carpet like Billy Murray walks the red carpet. NO ONE.

Make an entrance.

Give the cameras what they want.

Surprise the crowd...

...with a tiny camera.

Show off your tiny camera.

Take many pictures with your tiny camera.

Find Bruce Willis.

Lock arms with Bruce Willis.

Look cute with Bruce Willis.

Make faces with Bruce Willis.

Take a picture of Bruce Willis with your tiny camera.

Yell something.

Whisper something into Tilda Swinton's ear.

Feel dumb about what you just whispered to Tilda Swinton.

Whisper something else into Tilda Swinton's ear without your sunglasses.

Hold another dude's hand, make Bruce Willis jealous.

One last pose.

Pute your tiny camera away.

Ta ta!!