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Dear "Walking Dead" Fans: You-Know-Who Definitely Isn't Dead

All the reasons why a certain someone is still alive. Spoilers ahead, duh.

Everyone who watched last night's Walking Dead knows some crazy shit happened SPECIFICALLY involving the "death" of a very important cast member.

To recap:

Basically, shit hit the G.D. fan. Glenn and Nicholas got caught in a pack of walkers. Nicholas shot himself in the head like a big dumb idiot. He fell onto Glenn, the walkers went to pound town, and it looked like Glenn was dunzo.

The thing is, Glenn AIN'T DEAD. He's DEFINITELY alive and there is a lot of proof of this.*

*At least in our opinion.

First off, Nicholas CLEARLY falls ON TOP OF Glenn.

Second, the intestinal organs being eaten by the walkers are DEFINITELY not Glenn's.

Third, we know that there is a hiding space under the dumpster. There is clearly room for a body under there.

Fourth, earlier in the episode Michonne foreshadowed Glenn's survival when she said: "Have you ever been covered in so much blood that you didn't know if it was yours or a walkers' or your friends?" THIS IS A CLEAR NOD TO GLENN.

Fifth, he wasn't on Talking Dead.

Sixth, Glenn knows how to survive this shit. Flash back to Season 1 when Glenn discovered how to trick the walkers into thinking he was dead by covering himself in their blood. HE'S BEEN THROUGH THIS.

Basically, Glenn is alive. He's been through it all. GLENN IS ALIVE. LONG LIVE GLENN!

And if you need any more proof...