19 Things All People With Trust Issues Will Understand

    "Who are you texting?"

    1. When you give this look:

    2. When you're skeptical of all clear liquids:

    3. Then you have this extra security measure:

    4. When you happen to be at the same bar:

    5. When you constantly think people forgot about you:

    6. When you find yourself being a bit irrational:

    7. When you never think anyone is gonna pay you back:

    8. When this freaks you out:

    9. When you can only trust yourself:

    10. When you invent your own courtroom:

    11. When you spend too much money on disguises:

    12. When you struggle to believe anyone's word:

    13. When you think you know the password:

    14. When you need to leave a reminder:

    15. When you always think you're being ignored:

    16. When you're suspicious of just about everything:

    17. When your mind races:

    18. When you're jealous of technology:

    19. And when you can't even trust yourself: